Die englischen Fans sind nach dem 1:2 gegen Island am Montagabend klarerweise konsterniert. Wir haben uns in diversen Fanforen und sozialen Netzwerken umgesehen und... England-Fans zum Ausscheiden gegen Island: „Dreadful, embarrassing…“

Englischer Fan_abseits.atDie englischen Fans sind nach dem 1:2 gegen Island am Montagabend klarerweise konsterniert. Wir haben uns in diversen Fanforen und sozialen Netzwerken umgesehen und die Meinungen der englischen Fans und auch Beobachter aus aller Welt eingeholt. Um die Originalität zu wahren, haben wir die Kommentare im englischen belassen und nicht übersetzt.

Tom: „£1.7billion going into the Premier League next season, and we can’t produce 11 players and a manager to beat a country with a population the same size as Leicester and with ZERO professional football teams? Fucking embarrassing. They can all go fuck themselves.“

Rob: „Probably the lowest moment in our football history.“

Shemyy: „It’s not even the fact that England lost, but they were never even a f*n‘ threat especially in the second half seriously the best two chances in the second half were by Iceland where Joe Hart had to make two decent saves. Amazing how Woy has managed to hoodwink himself into numerous high profile jobs, his biggest achievement is winning the Danish Superliga.“

Tincanalley: „Sorry for England. Absolutely delighted for Iceland. Fantastic achievement. Brilliant fans, great performance.“

Drifter: „Out of Europe twice in one year. Hope Hodgson does a Cameron.“

do.ob: „I would make a generic Brexit joke, but I guess that would be insulting towards Wales.“

RedSky: „Sorry, but good. Terrible Tournament. Roy the weakest link always was. Congratulations to Iceland. Genuine heart throughout.“

Yagami: „Rashford did more in his couple of minute cameos than Sterling did the entire tournement. Bloody Roy…“

JustFootballFan: „I seriously cannot believe he brought on Wilshere at halftime. That must be one of the worst subs in the history of football. And just to make it not feel lonley he waited till the 86th minute to bring on Rashford.“

AndyJ1985: „Embarrassing, shameful, disgraceful. This ranks up there with Steve McClaren and his umbrella. Good bye Hodgson.“

Acole9: „Roy is done and I think that’s Rooney’s international career over, overrated and arrogant they were never good enough to win this tournament they’re a joke.“

GhastlyHun: „Winning goal by Winninggoalsson, it’s so freaking great.“

SwansonsTache: „I want everyone to take a moment and consider that Kane has actually been discussed as being a £80m player and possible Real Madrid transfer target on here. That just shows how ridiculously overrated English talent can get sometimes.“

Giggs86: „Absolutely glorious. Massive respect to Iceland, fecking heroes every one of them! If I were a part of the English NT I wouldn’t want to get back home, they will be slaughtered, and rightfully so.“

DevilMayCare: „Hart, Rooney and Kane were diabolical, Sturridge stuck out on the wing all game was wasted and Roy waited way too long to get Vardy and Rashford on, utter shambles. Congrats to Iceland.“

Heinzesight: „Shameful bunch of twats. How Rooney and Kane lasted nearly 90 minutes between them and the owl cnut giving Rashford only 5 minutes was an utter disgrace. Rooney is so bad that if he plays again for us then I should give up watching football because it’s just wrong.“

pauldyson1uk: „Well played Iceland. Fantastic spirit, fantastic fans. France will have their work cut out!  Played with more passion than we did, they actually played like the thought they could win , not like our shower of shite who just thought they had to turn up and win. This is embarrassing, Roy needs to be sacked tonight. Worst England match I have ever seen. I watched 6 u11’s from Benchill Celtic play with more team spirit than I saw England play with tonight, they played like a team and played for each other, that shower of over paid idiots would not know how to spell the word team , never mind know how to play like one. It is embarrassing to be English right now.“

Stookie: „At least the constant passing between Cahill and Smalling was ok.“

Fully Fledged: „The truth is they out Leicester’d England. They played a simple game with passion.“

Kiz: „Now that England are out I can actually enjoy the tournament. Happens every time. Would be great if Iceland could see off the French.“

RiccardoPicchio: „Nothing has changed in two years under Hodgson and whilst there are not a large amount of candidates knocking on the door to replace him, he simply had to go after this defeat. In all honesty we have never really got going the whole tournament. The failure to beat Russia who along with Ukraine were one of the worst two sides at the tournament, an unconvincing performance against Wales and a lucky victory, a failure to break down Slovakia and subsequently win the group and finally the final killer blow tonight.“

UnitedRoad: „Its not the players, it’s mentality and our self inflated opinion of ourselves. When you prop players up from a young age as the dogs bollocks, what do you expect? Take Sterling. 19 years old…. Half a good season and all of a sudden he is world class, worth £50m and over 100k a week. I’d believe the hype myself, we do it over and over again in is country. They think they are better than they are and are simply mental midgets.“

Steve: „I said it at the beginning of the tournament and I will say it again. Hodgson picks players on reputation rather than current form and should have gone ages ago. Rooney is well past it. Slows the game down and isnt good enough anymore. Sterling is absolute wank. And Wilshere was never going to be fit enough.“

Dion: „I despair about the England football team. Even with a young, vibrant, in form group of players we just cannot get it right. Hodgson’s gone now and rightly so, so time to look at the captain. Rooney hid in an England shirt again tonight and should throw in the towel right now as far as international football is concerned, I’ve lost count of the number of times he’s been abject in major tournaments.“

Dugout-Demon: „Roy hodgsons inability to organise a piss up in a brewery is not to be underestimated but we don’t have bad players and should have more than enough to beat iceland comfortably, that game today reeked of a weak mentality, under the pressure no one had the balls to take a gamble, nobody wanted to be the player on the back pages for the wrong reasons, so every player was looking for the other to make something happen, result, nothing happens. Truly embarrassing.“

MullereD: „Joe Hart just taken responsibility for the defeat… Don’t agree with that he should have saved the 2nd but the players in front were shite. Fair play to him though.“

AB2002: „Well, that was fucking shite. I can accept us going out of a tournament. Hell, we’ve all seen it enough times. But it’s pretty shocking to go out without any kind of fight or threat. Truly garbage. Vintage England really. All credit to Iceland. The better side by far and hope they keep going in this tournament.“

No-One Likes Us: „A truly shameful display and result. You have to go back to 1998 for the last time we went out of a tournament with any sense of pride. A lot of this has to do with the fact all of our players are based over here. Nobody ever learns anything new or different, and of the so called ‚better nations‘, we play the worst football by a country mile. Still, if they’re all earning £100k a week who cares right? Hodgson was a disgrace last night, as he has been for the last two tournaments. How could anyone be inspired by him? I guarantee we’ll appoint Southgate now. Another yes man, another safe option. We’ll qualify for Russia 2018 and we’ll be shit there too. Credit to Iceland, the better team won and I hope they can go even further. But it’ll take a long time to get over this humiliation.“

Dan: „F*cking dreadful. No doubt the whole world is laughing at us right now and it serves us f*cking right. Why the f*ck did Roy start Kane and Sterling?! Who has done absolutely f*ck all in the tournament. I really can’t see us getting a good manager in, it’ll just be another mediocre English manager. The only manager I’d get excited about would be Eddie Howe but that’s not going to happen.“

Daniel Mandl Chefredakteur

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